Bring Me The Horizon - The Sadness Never Ends
Music/Rock 2009. 11. 2. 00:31
데스코어 / 메탈코어 계열의 bring me the horizon 이
sesson 엘범의 수록곡인 the sadness will never end 뮤직비디오를
개인적으로 chelsea smile 보다 훨신 분위기 있고 괜찮은거 같네요.
1. The Comedown
2.Chelsea smile
3. It was Written In Blood
4. Death Breath
5. Football sesson is over
6. Sleep with one eye open
7. Diamond aren't forever
8. The sadness will never end
9. No need for introductions, I've read about you on the the back of toilet doors
10. Sucide sesson